tuck's music journal

I write about local music stuff in West Virginia and nearby Ohio. I post lots of information about the Greens and musical benefit events I organize for my non profit organization. Americana music focused.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


TMJ: We're finally back to having an interview here at the Tuck's Music Journal headquarters. We're interviewing tonight a mysterious music fan, who appears to be tired and bleary eyed; we're not sure why this particular interview; at this particular time, but sometimes you have to take advantage of the opportunity. Well, mystery music fan, what are you thinking about the state of music these days?
MMF: Well, it seems to be chugging along. I still SO VERY MUCH APPRECIATE WOUB out of Athens; the public broadcasting station. The evening show every night is a god send, and the Sunday morning show, and the other little touches- Fur Peace Ranch, Mountain Stage, Sunday evening- unbelievably good gift to the community coming from Athens. I wish I could take more advantage (just sheer time-wise) of the neat things No Depression is doing with their website. I think I could absorb lots more NEW music and enjoy it, if I took the time. Plenty of my "tried and true" favorites are still going strong, and listening to older stuff still can make me perfectly contented much of the time. The "economy" (my personal economy) is not suffered enough from the overall dire conditions to mean that I won't pack in as much live music in a 3 hour radius as I possible can as we move into spring and summer. How's that?
TMJ: That's a very concise answer, MMF. Who are you seeing anytime soon?
MMF: John Prine in Asheville North Carolina, a week from Saturday. I have wanted to see John in some new locales, and so this has been an eagerly awaited such opportunity. Asheville is likely to be a great visit, and we will be eagerly absorbing as much of a sense of the live local music scene as we can- besides the great uplift of the annual (or more) opportunity to see JOhn and Jason and Dave. Sara Watkins, of Nickel Creek is opening. Also, Chris Smither in April down at the CLay Center in Charleston. Fred Eaglesmith at Stuart's the following week. We'll pack some more in I'm sure.
TMJ: Is there any progress on your great Americana music novel?
MMF: No, unfortunately. I have a sort of hectic, workaholic work-life. My mind is always working on it subconsciously, but I cannot commit pen to paper, or shall we say, fingertip to keyboard. It probably will come forth in a burst of energy at an unexpected time. Sort of a Jack Kerouac stream; when its ready. I cannot possibly be disciplined enough to do the necessary research to make it what I want or envision- I have to admire a true researching writer. But I guess fiction can stand a little "laziness" on the research, if I have to imagine some of the stuff I SHOULD be researching. I only got so far researching the folk singers on the college town scene in midwest circa early 1970's. And I can't get past a certain block about the evolution of the song Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon. I am very proud to say, that after dangling a little teaser bait out there, I got a response about the band I used to LOVE in Grand Rapids, Paddlefoot, and their intriguing evolution into a current band in Michigan. Stuff like that keeps me going for sure.
TMJ: What's your current impression of your dear ol' local live music scene?
MMF: Well, after seeing Holly Near last weekend in Marietta, I was greatly uplifted and inspired. After the fantastic turnout for the first tribute show of the year (The Johnny Cash tribute) I was excited. Bill opening up the Emerson Sports Grill for some Friday unplugged shows is encouraging. Other than that, I don't know; a little tentative in my enthusiasm. I don't give up easily though- always ready for a little optimism. The audacity of hope? (HUH????)
TMJ: What will be in your CD player tomorrow on the ride down to Charleston?
MMF: Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart. I've got Adrienne Young in there right now; I always like to finish up the whole CD the way the artist planned the songs out on the CD. Sorry, its an old-fashioned trait I can't shake.
TMJ: Any last parting comments?
MMF: I am DYING to hear the explanation of how the Greens changed their name to:
Andy Tuck and the Greens.


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