tuck's music journal

I write about local music stuff in West Virginia and nearby Ohio. I post lots of information about the Greens and musical benefit events I organize for my non profit organization. Americana music focused.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


TMJ (Tuck's music journal): What got you started with this blog?

STUCK: I stumbled into this concept (blogging) very naively/ dumbly, and actually started something related to a work project; helping some young people I work(ed) with on a youth empowerment project try to use blogging as a communication tool. While I was doing that, I was initially, pretty simply, just trying to convey some "news" about some musical benefit events I organize as fundraisers for the non profit agency I work for. I also enjoyed trying my hand at "reviewing" and sending out news for my son, Andy Tuck's, band, the Greens. I felt, even though they had a website and a my space site, there was not enough current, up to date, "fun" info about them for people to check out. I played around with some posting "set lists" for their shows; giving sneak previews about developments and upcoming shows, stuff like that. Then it got into just little posts about shows I went to see, things I was listening to, while driving, and news bits about musicians I like.

TMJ: It seems your entries are kind of spontaneous, and not very well thought out, or having much content really. Is this a fair observation?

STUCK: Yeah, I think so. I am somewhat of a lazy writer. My ideas sort of overwhelm my discipline of writing. Early on, I was never really sure I would carry this on, and I didn't want to be presumptuous enough to think any one would be interested much. I know that is the "slam" against blogs in generally, they are pretty self-absorbed. I TRIED to be a little humble about it; not really thinking I was too big of a deal! I am kind of busy in my work life, and so I never really intended to make it into something too serious or developed, hence the "shallowness." I became amazed at the little glimpses that people were reading this, and connecting with it from pretty strange vantage points.

TMJ: What were some of the strange "vantage points?"

STUCK: When the Zappa tribute band (project/ object? or something like that?) was coming to the Empty Glass in Charleston, I commented on that, and the father of the drummer (a very young fellow) connected to my blog. When Minton Sparks, a spoken word performer, was opening for John Prine in Prestonsburg Kentucky, I mentioned that, and a nice guy who does some promotion work for her, sent me a free DVD to review!!! When I've mentioned Steve Goodman (a lot!!!! cause I really dig (dug) him) - Clay Eals who wrote this great biography on him - sends me an e-mail everytime I mention Steve's name in my blog! (That's a lot of "City of New Orleans" mentions). Just last night at the Steve Earle concert at Stuart's, a fellow who works at Stuart's when I was picking up my "will call" tickets, commented on reading the blog!

TMJ: You could be criticized for always making such "pollyanna" posts- sort of a "rose colored glasses" approach to life.

STUCK: Guilty as charged. I actually haven't even read that many blogs, or feel I am really versed in the world of blogging. But I get some sense that there is a lot of : sarcasm, cynicism, put downs, etc. out there. I try to stay positive; focus on things I get excited about; try to be encouraging of others, especially musicians, people trying to make live music survive and thrive. I know it leaves a lot of room for criticism, but I'm standing my ground. I read a listserv (or whatever you call it) among Greg Brown fans- occasionally there is a little flair up of someone who attends a show of Greg's and criticizes his performance, or compares it to some previous time. Then there is some back and forth from folks on different sides / perspectives: folks who will always stay loyal and say good things, people looking to shoot down the veteran musicians when they stray from a formula, or previous style, etc. I like the exchanges and think its healthy. I'm just tending to stay on the one side in what I post.

TMJ: Anything new likely to be upcoming?

STUCK: I don't know; probably keep more of the same mostly. I rotate among: reporting on the Greens, my music events, and the local music scene, and updates from musicians I like. That can tend to keep me pretty busy. I have had a few postings where I tried to reminsce about music and its influence on me, or digging back for some connections, but those are pretty few and far between. I have a novel in my head that maybe someday will start out as excerpts. You could dig back into the past postings for hints of what might be involved. It has something to do with Greg Brown's song "Rooty toot toot to the moon"- and some coffee house folk music places in the midwest. Its got certain "rites of passage" elements.

TMJ: Thanks for talking to me. There will probably need to be a follow up interview at some time; I'm kind of slow on the uptake with questions.

STUCK: no problem, any time.


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